
Welcome to Atari8. Here you will find a variety of Atari 8-bit software tools and projects, firmware for several of the most popular hardware add-ons and devices, repair and upgrade services, and instructional videos.

Firmware for Ultimate 1MB, Incognito, SIDE/SIDE2 cartridge, SIDE3 cartridge, and the 1088XEL/XLD.
SIDE2_thmAPT Soft-Drivers
APT drivers and custom SDX ROMs for SIDE, SIDE2, MyIDE/Flash, Internal MyIDE, MyIDE II, and Colleen.
iron_smallUpgrades and Repairs
Find out more about our upgrade and repair service. We also undertake case modification and restoration.
YouTube Videos
YouTube videos demonstrating upgrades, repairs and other modifications, categorised by machine and subject.
GUI_TinyGUI Project
This ambitious project sees the creation of the first and only pre-emptively multi-tasking graphical operating system for the 8-bit Atari.
LW33_Title_TinyThe Last Word
The powerful 80 column word processor with macro facility, high speed editing, and advanced file manager.
Convenient in-place flashing tool for Ultimate 1MB, Incognito, and several other devices.