
Since writing the PBI BIOS for the Ultimate 1MB and Incognito in 2012, I found myself increasingly focused on developing original and re-implemented firmware for hard disk host adapters, culminating in a ground-up re-write of the entire U1MB ROM firmware in 2015. As of January 2023, the firmware has reached version 4.20.

Ultimate 1MB Firmware

Completely rewritten firmware for the Ultimate 1MB. Includes configuration profiles, date/time settings, high-speed SIO driver, advanced hard disk control, and a high-speed XEX loader supporting multiple FAT partitions and recursive searching.

Incognito BIOS, PBI BIOS and SIDE Loader

Completely rewritten firmware for the Incognito. Includes configuration profiles, date/time settings, high-speed SIO driver, advanced hard disk control, and a high-speed XEX loader supporting multiple FAT partitions and recursive searching.

1088XEL/1088XLD Ultimate 1MB Firmware

Ultimate 1MB firmware at the heart of the exciting 1088XEL and 1088XLD projects. All the features of the U1MB firmware plus V-Gate control, support for dual XEL-CF adapters, and much more.


The XEX loader found in my U1MB and Incognito firmware, in stand-alone SIDE/SIDE2 cartridge format. Boasts multiple FAT support, high-speed loading, and a powerful recursive search facility.

SIDE2_thmSIDE3 Loader

XEX, CAR, ROM and ATR loader for the exciting new SIDE3 cartridge. All the features of the FJC SIDE Loader with added cartridge emulation support, up to 1,000 filenames per directory, FAT file management tools, and an integrated FAT DOS and command processor.

avg_thmSIDE Loader and SDX for the AVG Cart

The SIDE Loader and SpartaDOS X ROM (with APT tools) in CAR format for the AVG Cart.

IDEa3_thmPokeyMAX Plugin for Ultimate 1MB

Configure PokeyMAX features direct from the U1MB setup menu with this powerful plugin.